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Health News Results - 35

Lesbian, Bisexual Women More Likely to Die Early Than Straight Peers

MONDAY, May 13, 2024 (HealthDay news) -- Could being a lesbian or bisexual shorten your life? New research that analyzed decades of data on women suggests it might.

What's driving the trend? Researchers point to discrimination as the primary culprit.

While there is a large body of research looking at how LGBTQ people experience mental health issues and chronic disease at higher rate...

Many Closeted Gay Men Didn't Receive Mpox Care During Outbreak

Too many closeted gay and bisexual men didn't receive treatment for infectious mpox during the recent global outbreak, a new report finds.

It wasn't necessarily because they feared being outed if they sought care, experts said. Instead, these men's separation from the wider LGBT community may have meant they had less information on treatments.

"I think the lesson here is that there ...

Lesbian & Gay Teens Have Twice the Odds for Binge-Eating Disorders

Stigma can take a toll on lesbian, gay and bisexual teens, leading to high rates of binge-eating disorders, researchers say.

Compared to their non-LGBTQ peers, lesbian, gay and bisexual teens are more than twice as likely to report binge eating, according to a new study.

Bullying, discrimination and stigma because of sexual orientation can be stressors that lead to poor self-esteem ...

Bogus, Harmful 'Conversion Therapy' for LGBTQ People Still Prevalent, Study Finds

In the United States, "conversion therapy"for LGBTQ people has been widely condemned by major medical associations. Not only that, nearly half of the country has now banned the practice for minors.

But a new review of 16 investigations across six nations suggests conversion therapy is hardly a thing of the past.

On average, nearly one of every 10 LGBTQ individuals around the world s...

Depression Rates Rise for Minority Youth in States With Anti-LGBT Legislation

Youth who are both LGBTQ+ and either Black or Hispanic and live in U.S. states that have discriminatory policies are more likely to have depression than their counterparts in states that are more affirming to gender and sexual identity, new research finds.

"This study provides scientific evidence to what many queer and trans people of color in the U.S. are experiencing day to day,"said s...

Meningitis Cases Rising Among Gay Men With HIV

Meningococcal disease -- which includes meningitis -- appears to be on the rise among Americans infected with HIV, new research reveals.

Researchers stress that the risk to any one person remains exceedingly rare, regardless of their HIV status.

Each year between 2017 and 2021 HIV-positive patients accounted for five to 15 cases of the bacterial disease, which typically shows up as ...

Lesbians, Gays Suffer More Mental Health Issues, Drug Use Problems: Survey

Lesbians, gays and bisexuals are experiencing more mental health and substance use issues than their heterosexual peers, researchers say.

According to a new government report released Tuesday, this includes major depressive episodes, serious thoughts of suicide,...

More Mpox Cases Reported as Health Officials Fear a Summer Resurgence

U.S. health officials are bracing for the possibility that mpox could surge again this summer as cases mount in several states.

On Thursday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 21 more cases of mpox, with Illinois, New York and Maryland reporting the most new infections. Illi...

CDC Warns That Mpox Could Make a Summer Return

Public health officials are urging people at risk of contracting mpox, the virus previously called monkeypox, to get vaccinated.

They are concerned that a slowdown in infections since last summer may not continue.

"There's a very real risk of there being a surge in mpox cases over the next few months. Most likely, it won't be anywhere near as big as it was last year, and that is be...

FDA Eases Rules on Gay Men Donating Blood

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday finalized the elimination of certain restrictions that prevented healthy gay and bisexual men from donating blood.

Instead of requiring men who have sex with men or the women who have sex with them to abstain for sexual contact for three months, the FDA has created an individual risk assessment for all donors.

These questions are m...

Uptick Seen in Mpox Cases in Chicago

While the mpox outbreak has been waning since last summer, it hasn't disappeared yet.

Howard Brown Health, a LGBTQ-focused health clinic in Chicago, recently reported seeing an increase in mpox (formerly known as monkeypox) cases, with eight diagnosed since April 17, compared to only one in the previous three months.

Last week's case count was the highest in Chicago since early No...

Stress Might Mean Worse Sleep for Many Gay & Lesbian Youth

In yet another sign of the stress that can haunt gay, lesbian and bisexual youth, a new study finds that compared with their straight peers, they are twice as likely to report trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.

Depression and family conflict may be contributing to sleep issues in young LGBTQ people, the researchers noted.

"Young people who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexua...

Rectal Pill May Give Days-Long Protection Against HIV: Study

Could a quick-dissolving pill placed in the rectum prove to be an effective and safe "on-demand"way to prevent HIV infection among sexually active men and women?

It might, new research indicates.

The experimental form of PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is designed to be placed directly into either the rectum or the vagina. In the new study, conducted among 21 men and women, it deli...

LGBTQ+ Support Groups in Schools Boost Students' Mental Health

About 44% of U.S. middle and high schools have student-run clubs that shine a light on issues that touch the lives of LGBTQ+ students.

And new research suggests that depression risk among LGBTQ+ students is considerably lower in those schools where such Gender-Sexuali...

Utah Becomes First State to Ban Transgender Health Care for Minors

Transgender youth in Utah are now blocked from receiving gender-affirming surgery and hormone therapy after Gov. Spencer Cox signed a bill Saturday that largely bans such care for youth.

Cox said that the ban was necessary until more research was done o...

FDA Could Ease Blood Donation Rules for Gay Men

Longstanding restrictions on blood donations from gay or bisexual men could soon shift towards a more nuanced policy, where such men are asked about sexual partners and practices instead, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Friday.

Specifically, gay men who are in monogamous relationships will no longer be required to abstain from sex for any period of time before donating to ...

FDA Moves to Ease Restrictions on Gay Men Giving Blood

U.S. Food & Drug Administration policies that have limited blood donations from men who have sex with men may soon ease.

At the moment, FDA policy does not allow blood donation from men who have had sex with other men in the past three months. That's already a shorter timeframe than in the past, when the agency required a one-year gap.

The agency is now considering switching to ques...

LGBTQ Youth Have Double the Risk for Suicidal Thoughts, Attempts

A new study that looks at suicide risk among U.S. teens who are lesbian, gay and bisexual finds they have disproportionately high rates of suicidal thoughts, planning and attempts compared to their heterosexual peers.

"The major message of this paper is that among a group of survivors of these types of violence, those who identify as a sexual minority are more likely to develop suicidal t...

'High-Risk' Sex Could Raise Odds for Crohn's, Colitis in Gay Men

Compared with heterosexual men, gay men are more than twice as likely to develop inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) when engaging in "high-risk"sexual behavior, new research shows.

The definition of high-risk behavior was having sexual contact with multiple partners or without a condom.

"To our knowledge, this is the first large population-based study that demonstrates a higher preval...

Small Study Supports TPOXX as Monkeypox Treatment

The drug tecovirimat appears to be safe and effective for treating the symptoms and skin lesions of monkeypox, a small study suggests.

Tecovirimat (TPOXX) is an antiviral drug for the treatment of smallpox. It works by limiting spread of the virus in the body. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has al...

Gay Men Are Cutting Back on Sex to Avoid Monkeypox

A survey conducted among American gay and bisexual men in early August found about half saying they'd cut down on sexual activity -- including one-night stands and app-based hookups -- in response to the global monkeypox outbreak.

The survey, conducted online Aug. 5-15, was led by Kevin Delaney...

As Monkeypox Cases Spike, U.S. Orders More Vaccine, Boosts Testing

With monkeypox cases continuing to climb in the United States, federal health officials said Friday they have ordered another 2.5 million doses of monkeypox vaccine and boosted national testing capacity to respond to the outbreak.

The news comes not a moment too soon, as demand for the vaccine outstrips supply and clinics in some American cities run out of supplies almost as soon as they ...

Recent Monkeypox Symptoms Differ From Those of Prior Outbreaks

The symptoms of patients with monkeypox in the United Kingdom differ from those in previous outbreaks of the virus, a new study shows.

It said there have been fewer reports of fever and tiredness while reports of skin lesions in the genital and anal areas have been more common.

Location of the lesions suggests transmission during intimate contact, and researchers called for more res...

HIV Testing Plummeted During Pandemic

Testing for HIV suffered a sharp setback during the first year of the pandemic, new government data shows.

The number of HIV tests funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and administered in health care settings dropped 43% between 2019 and 2020, the study showed. Tests administered in non-he...

Youth Suicide Attempts Drop in U.S. States With Hate Crime Laws

Hate crime laws that protect gay, lesbian and transgender people may have an unexpected benefit: fewer teen suicide attempts, among kids of all sexual orientations.

That's the conclusion of a new study that looked at what happened in U.S. states that enacted hate crime laws with protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning individuals. It found that

  • Amy Norton HealthDay Reporter
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  • June 23, 2022
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  • CDC Warns of Deadly Outbreak of Meningitis Among Gay Men in Florida

    One of the worst meningitis outbreaks in U.S. history has prompted public health officials to urge gay and bisexual men who live in Florida or plan to visit the state to get vaccinated right away.

    Twenty-four cases of meningitis (

  • By Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • June 22, 2022
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  • Another Study Finds Kids of Same-Sex Parents Do Just Fine

    Children raised by same-sex parents are just as well-adjusted as kids raised by different-sex parents, researchers say.

    In the new study, the researchers compared 62 Dutch children (aged 6 to 16 years) whose parents were the same sex with 72 kids whose parents were different sexes. The investigators considered prosocial behavior, hyperactivity, peer problems, emotional adjustment and gene...

    Another Study Finds Bogus 'Conversion Therapy' Harms LGBTQ Teens

    There are serious mental harms and high financial costs associated with so-called conversion therapy for LGBTQ people, researchers report.

    Conversion therapy attempts to make lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people "straight." Its safety and effectiveness has been discredited in multiple prior studies.

    In the new

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  • March 8, 2022
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  • Amid U.S. Blood Shortage, New Pressure to Ease Donor Rules for Gay Men

    A three-month sexual abstinence rule for blood donations from sexually active gay and bisexual men should be dropped by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, critics urge as the country struggles with a blood shortage.

    Right now, based on the slight chance of infection with HIV, men who have sex with men must abstain from sex with other men for 90 days before being eligible to donate blo...

    HIV Rates Fall Among Gay White Americans, But Not Minorities

    Some progress has been made in the U.S. fight against HIV, with new infections falling among white gay and bisexual men over the past decade. But their Black and Hispanic counterparts did not see that advance, health officials say.

    The continuing inequities show up in a new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    From 2010 to 2019, the number of new HIV infe...

    As Countries Become More Tolerant, Suicides Among Gay Men Decline

    A new study confirms that when a country is more accepting of people who are LGBTQ, fewer gay or bisexual men take their own lives.

    In a new study, researchers compared life in a country where LGBTQ folks encounter strong stigma with that in a country where stigma against them is low. The upshot: The risk of depression and suicide dropped significantly when gay men moved to a more toleran...

    Testosterone Levels Matter for Men's, Women's Sex Lives

    What launches guys on serial sexual conquests and prompts solo activity among women?

    It's testosterone, of course.

    As the primary male sex hormone, it plays a leading role in the sexual development of guys. But folks often overlook the role it plays in female sexuality. Yes, women have testosterone, too, though much less of it -- and it exerts a far different pull,

  • Alan Mozes HealthDay Reporter
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  • October 13, 2021
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  • LGBQ Teens More Likely to Contemplate Suicide

    Kids who are gay, bisexual or questioning their sexuality may be vulnerable to contemplating suicide at a tender age, a new U.S. government study finds.

    It has long been known that teenagers who are part of sexual minorities have a higher risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors, compared to their heterosexual peers. That includes kids who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or...

    Bimonthly, Injected PrEP Beats Daily Pill in Warding Off HIV: Study

    When the antiretroviral regimen known as pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, was launched nearly a decade ago, patients were suddenly able to achieve near-complete protection against contracting HIV by taking just one pill a day.

    But there's a big hitch: Not everyone is equally diligent about sticking to that once-a-day daily pill regimen, and when doses are missed PrEP's protective shield...

    A Second 'Closet' for Some LGBTQ Seniors Entering Nursing Homes

    The Stonewall generation is entering old age, and a new study finds many LGBTQ+ seniors are fearful that the prejudices of staff and fellow residents at nursing homes could leave them vulnerable to continued misunderstanding, stigma and discrimination.

    In fact, "LGBTQ+ elders often feel the need to go back into the closet because of these genuine fears" of being mistreated, said Tim Johns...